Press Articles | Partners in Performance

Press Articles | Clean, green energy and tech drive next infrastructure expansion phase

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27 September 2022

Clean, green energy and tech drive next infrastructure expansion phase

New Zealand requires reliable access to clean energy to power the transition to electric and autonomous vehicles, and the technology that underpins them.

Mohamed Abdulahi, Director of management consulting firm Partners in Performance, agrees that the need for large amounts of real-time data, thanks to the proliferation of autonomous vehicles and other technologies, is driving many projects across the infrastructure sector. Renewable energy projects are happening alongside other technological advancements.

"Renewable energy accounts for most of the country's needs," says Abdulahi. "The next challenge will be developing sufficient renewable capacity to deal with demand peaks, without having to rely on carbon-emitting methods. This is vital because as electrification of the economy gathers pace, the demand for green energy will only increase."

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