RSCPA | Partners in Performance | Global Management Consultancy | Partners in Performance


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The RSPCA in Australia is a federation, with an RSPCA branch in each state and territory and RSPCA Australia as the national body. The state and territory member Societies provide services to animals in need through their shelters and inspectorates.

RSCPA Approved Farming Scheme (AFS) works with producers, retailers and brands to improve the welfare of farm animals by reviewing farming standards and providing certification to brands that pass the requirements.

Organisational purpose and mission statement

From the national office, RSPCA Australia works to influence animal welfare policy, practice and legislation across the country. They do this through various avenues, including working with government and industries, communicating, and contributing to animal welfare science, running the RSPCA Approved Farming Scheme (AFS), and working with supporters through targeted advocacy and education campaigns.

1. What perceptions donors have of the organisation, especially in terms of trust, credibility and delivery of meaningful student outcomes

2. How to best engage donors and make them feel valued

To date, minimal studies and surveys have been conducted to have a comprehensive understanding of what donors think despite their high importance for supporting our client’s vision. 


Challenge faced by organisation

The RSPCA AFS is not-for-profit organisation and generates revenues to cover costs through licensing agreements with brands and retailers. Since FY19, RSPCA AFS has been operating at a loss and saw a $117k loss in FY21.

RSPCA AFS was using multiple pricing models which created a significant administrative burden for both licensees and the scheme.

How we helped

  • Conducted interviews with key stakeholders to determine the guiding principles and framework for assessing potential pricing models.

  • Identified gaps to be addressed in the current pricing scheme and segmentation; and developed recommendations to address them.

  • Assessed potential pricing models based on support of objectives and mitigation of challenges (financial and non-financial).

Impact achieved

Designed a new pricing model which would generate revenue for RSPCA AFS to expand the standards into new areas and reduce admin burden for licensees.

  • Developed an implementation plan with detailed actions for RSPCA AFS to transition to the new pricing model.

  • Prepared a communication strategy for RSPCA to communicate new pricing model to stakeholders.

To learn more or to contribute to this great organisation, please visit

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