Case study

Case Study

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Business challenge

Our client needed to identify improvements and launch a comprehensive program to optimise their base production.


An upstream oil and gas company's new wells were Capex intensive and production in a mature oilfield (>4,000 wells) was declining significantly.

The assets presented challenges given complex reservoir characteristics and short production lifespan of new wells. The production system required the management of a highly complex secondary recovery infrastructure.

Business impact


in annualised reduction in asset level Opex, including:


in production losses target for the asset resulting from these ideas


in chemicals formulation and distribution


in secondary recovery management


in maintenance planning and execution


in wells repair

  • Establish a baseline and complete full value mapping
  • Co‑develop the blueprint to prioritise workovers, facilities, fluids and chemicals management and assess operational alternatives
  • Launch first wave initiatives through several pilots with field teams
  • Implement the ownership, accountability, scheduling and KPIs required so the client team visibly leads long term

Key Takeaway

A diagnostic identifies several focused areas to improve production uptime and generate a pipeline of ideas to substantially improve performance in base production and attain the desired target.

Working in collaboration with the client and building capability delivers lasting impact as the client has ownership and visibly leads.

LeftOil and GasLeftContinuous Improvement