NACCHO | Partners in Performance | Global Management Consultancy | Partners in Performance


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NACCHO provides advice and guidance to the Australian Government on policy and budget matters while advocating for community-developed health solutions that contribute to the quality of life and improved health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Organisational purpose and mission statement

The National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) is a living embodiment of the aspirations of Aboriginal communities and their struggle for self-determination.

NACCHO is the national peak body representing 144 Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs) across the country on Aboriginal health and wellbeing issues. It has a history stretching back through nearly five decades, to a meeting in Albury in 1974.

Amongst other priorities, it is providing central support for two health specific ‘Closing the Gap’ targets:

1. Closing the gap in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander life expectancy within a generation

2. Halving the gap in mortality rates for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children under five within a decade.


Challenge faced by organisation

Telehealth can deliver significant benefits including increased access to remote communities, extended capacity and reach of community-based care, and increased efficiency and decreased travel time for patients and providers. However, reliable connectivity, and digital literacy and capability is critical to ensuring successful delivery and uptake of Telehealth services.

Survey data indicated insufficient digital readiness: approximately a quarter of members do not have nbn access and rural and remote Indigenous communities experience pronounced effects of reduced connectivity and reduced access to technology and digital skills, impeding access to quality healthcare.

A compelling business case was needed to secure the Federal government funding required to improve the connectivity and digital literacy for NACCHO members to facilitate telehealth options.

How we helped

  • Prepared a view of the current and desired future state with participating groups and align on requirements with NACCHO

  • Developed a framework to close the gaps on digital literacy, with options for telehealth, enhanced communications, and associated benefits

  • Identified connectivity requirements (possibly with nbn), digital solutions, tools and training required with indicative costs to develop a business case

  • Develop a business case to uplift digital capability through training and technical solutions to increase accessibility to digital health services

Impact achieved

Delivered a comprehensive business case for Federal funding in the amount of ~$49 million over five years to uplift connectivity and digital capability to improve telehealth opportunities for members, including:

  • Current and future state planning – Prepared a view of current and desired future state with NACCHO and nbn (considering connectivity infrastructure and digital healthcare requirements)

  • Development of prioritisation criteria – Developed framework for assessing which ACCHOs to prioritise for connectivity and digital capability uplift investment to ensure targeted value for money

  • Connectivity and toolset requirements – Defined must have tools, services, connectivity improvements

  • Cost benefit analysis – Summarised options for capability uplift, benefits and outcomes, and with breakdown of cost estimates

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