climate-action | Partners in Performance | Global Management Consultancy

Our commitment to net zero

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In line with our ‘no harm’ culture, we are committed to taking urgent action to protect the environment.

We recognise the crucial role that businesses can play in minimising the risk climate change poses to the future of the planet and as such are committed to the SBTi Net-Zero standard to set a robust emissions reduction target at the pace and scale required by climate science.

We have been carbon neutral since 2007

We primarily offset our CO2 emissions through three initiative projects

We have set an internal target to reach Net Zero value chain GHG emissions by no later than 2050 in line with the SBTi Net-Zero standard.

To help achieve this goal we have launched a ‘Decarbonising Partners in Performance’ initiative. 40 employees across six initiative teams have been tasked to implement the following globally.

Our client work in this space

Our Energy Transition Practice is dedicated to helping our client partners to develop pathways to zero emissions.

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Our efforts over the past three years have delivered Energy Transition roadmaps for our clients to abate ~40 MtCO2e per annum.

LeftOur social values
Inclusion & Diversity

Corporate Social Responsibility